Blog Zoox Smart Data

Customer Experience: Your customers are also digital

Written by Yasmim Restum | Nov 11, 2022 4:17:44 PM

If you have ever heard of Customer Experience, you must already know that this concept is on the rise and that it puts the consumer at the center of the business - as the reason, the goal, and the source of knowledge. 

Customer Experience is more than personalized service, it is on the rise because it brings results and can be the key to staying relevant in such competitive times with volatile consumer desires. Did you know that it takes 12 positive experiences to compensate for a negative one? That's what the Glance consulting report shows.

This challenge becomes even worse when the company does not seek to know its customer in a comprehensive way, through data intelligence and analytics. And it can be even more difficult when the company's culture does not undergo a transformation, and does not invest in digital channels. After all, the competition is just a few clicks away.

However, despite the urgency for change, these processes are cutting across many industries and present different challenges for each.

According to a Harvard survey, 84% of consumers have not had their expectations exceeded in their last customer service experience - so there is still time for your company, product, or service to show a competitive edge and build customer loyalty.

Throughout this article, we will understand the possibilities that technology presents to develop a consolidated Customer Service and Data Marketing strategy to build customer loyalty.

The importance of data analysis for decisions

Intuition is something almost magical when we think of the word within common sense. Having intuition about something or a situation is almost like having a special, prophetic gift. And yes, instinctively sensing something is important not only to survive, but to avoid big losses or bad choices.

Not even Steve Jobs escaped this. In business circles, he is often quoted as the author of the line: "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they somehow already know what you want to become."

While intuition has its value, it is not entirely reliable when it comes to making important decisions. According to a PwC survey with over 1,000 executives, highly data-driven organizations are 3x more likely to report significant improvements in decision making than those that don't use it.

And it's not just in the digital world that data matters: companies in all markets and segments can use the strategic power of data. One example is the market chain Cotsco, which records every item a customer buys.

In 2014, the company needed to recall infected fruit and used the system to notify only those who had bought the batch. With a more personalized communication, the brand received positive feedback and avoided damage to the corporate image.

It is the data that enables innovative marketing actions that delight customers. With the right information, businesses become more strategic and competitive.

Take a look at the Customer Experience pillars below.

Data marketing tools: from automations to artificial intelligence

The whole world is connected by technology, which positively impacts the relationship between consumers and companies. However, in the digital age, it is necessary to pay attention to meeting customer needs and providing quality multi-channel services in all aspects.

It is important to consider the changing behavior of the consumer, who is increasingly used to technology. This also means that they have high expectations for speed and innovation in delivery, preferring increasingly authentic and intelligent experiences that make them feel empowered and part of something bigger.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In this case, artificial intelligence (AI) helps a lot in developing solutions that provide a qualified customer experience. With AI, the use of previously ignored or substandard data can be optimized to create more accurate connections with consumers.

Still talking about AI, it is possible to increase business productivity. Since machines can take over various activities, such as automated and predictive inventory control. Leaving to us humans the analytical work and support to the customer when they feel like it.

The competitive advantage also grows with the use of AI. This is because its work with big data allows it to identify market opportunities and threats before the competition does.


Chatbots or conversational bots have been used by several companies to provide faster, more dynamic and personalized services to meet the needs of the public through automation and intelligent services.
Besides the easy integration with the company's various channels and platforms, these are just some of the features that make a big difference in customer service and experience management. According to Chatbots Magazine, customer service robots help reduce Customer Service expenses by up to 30%.

Smart Wi-Fi

Smart Wi-Fi, on the other hand, can be a source of data for the relationship. On the personalized login screen, the customer registers or accesses via social network, opt-in and shares personal data such as name, e-mail, birthday, and preferences. And it is this information that will allow a more targeted contact, with segmented opportunities.

A health club chain or gym, for example, can enhance its CRM by sending segmented e-mails and newsletters, promotions on anniversary dates, based on demographic and behavioral data of consumption, in addition to learning from details of preferences available on customers' social networks. 

Further exploring Smart Wi-Fi, it allows you to attract more customers with fast and secure connectivity. You can also increase the number of recommendations, since you can link access to a "Check-In" on social networks or even a recommendation on Google, giving more visibility to your business.

Connected customers consume more, did you know? According to Business Insider, 62% of customers stay longer in places with a good connection and, therefore, end up consuming some extra service - like a coffee, a dessert, a massage, or others.

With data allied to Smart Wi-Fi, your company can consider exploring Opportunity Marketing, with media that brings some flash promotion, or discounts for customer profiles.

Ou seja, um Smart Wi-Fi vai além de fornecer internet gratuita no seu espaço físico. Ele pode ajudar a mapear o caminho percorrido pelo cliente nas diferentes seções, saber em qual ele ficou mais ou menos tempo, e ainda poder impactá-lo em tempo real, ou usar as informações coletadas para melhorar comunicações futuras.

In other words, Smart Wi-Fi goes beyond providing free internet in your physical space. It can help map the path taken by the customer in the different sections, know in which he or she spent more or less time, and still be able to impact him in real time, or use the information collected to improve future communications.

If you would like to learn more about the possibilities with Smart Wi-Fi, schedule a more detailed, no-obligation conversation with one of our experts by filling out the form.