What is a Hotspot? And what are it’s benefits?

AdminAdmin - 5 de August de 2020.

Companies, businesses, public places, any space where people circulate can benefit from offering a Wi-Fi network. In some establishments, it is expected that the connection will be free, as is the case of hotels, restaurants, and bars.


The search for this type of convenience grows more and more. At the 2018 World Cup in Russia, there was a 345% increase in access to the stadium’s Hotspot compared to 2014. The demand for hotspots continues to grow as new connected devices are created.





Hotspot is the nomenclature given to a specific environment where a Wi-Fi network is available to be used. In Brazil, 89% of the population says they prefer to browse a Wi-Fi network than their 3G / 4G plans. The objective is both to save “megs” of your franchises and for the quality of the signal.


It turns out that a hotspot’s Wi-Fi goes far beyond simple courtesy. Through an intelligent Wi-Fi platform, the establishment can collect information capable of providing much more in-depth campaigns and research. This translates into new recipes and convenience for the customer.






  • Branding


When connecting to the network, the customer will see a page with the logo, company name, and editable text. It will not simply join any Wi-Fi network. At all times he will know that the establishment is providing that experience.



  •  Turnover


Through Smart Wi-Fi, the establishment can control who accesses the network and how long it stays online. You can create private networks for employees or restrict access from an amount of time.



  •  Speed


Smart Wi-Fi distributes data in the best possible way among those connected. This ensures that the speed is always consistent with the user’s needs. Do not forget that the more devices are connected, the greater the need to invest in speed.



  •  Compliance


Nowadays, it is not enough to offer Wi-Fi. It is necessary to ensure that the platform follows all the guidelines of the General Data Protection Law and guarantees that the connection handles the data properly.



  • Marketing


The hotspot can be an important source of information for marketing actions. With a Smart Wi-Fi platform, the establishment collects login information and enriches it with other data sources. This is the case of Zoox Smart Data Smart Wi-Fi, which has a Data Lake powered by millions of hotspots around the world. With each connection, Wi-Fi requests new data and further enriches the profile, enabling specific actions, such as email campaigns, promotions, etc.



  • After-sales


What did the customer think of the experience? If he has logged into the establishment’s Wi-Fi, a satisfaction survey can be sent by push notification or by email. Smart Wi-Fi, when associated with the Net Promoter Score, is able to give a faithful picture of the customer experience, with insights on how to improve and increase the score.


Would you like to have hotspots with Smart Wi-Fi in your business?


Zoox Smart Wi-Fi goes beyond a system designed to offer Wi-Fi. It is an integrated Wi-Fi and Big Data platform that contains all the tools necessary to bring growth to the business. Want to know more? Request a demonstration by clicking here or be answered immediately by phone:


Atlanta, EUA +1 678 5802482

Toronto, Canadá +1 (416) 572-7531


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